Mystery Shopping

Monitoring service standards on regular basis

Mystery shopping allows companies to obtain a "snapshot in time". It provides management a method to quickly yet efficiently evaluate their business practices from the perspective of a non-biased customer and helps focus attention of management on improvement of customer service.

Set the evaluation standards. Focus and improve on the specific behaviors that will create customer delight.

Key benefits of Mystery Shopping Research

  • Increases efficiency

  • Gets feedback from the customer’s perspective

  • Gets feedback about staff performance

  • Monitors facility conditions as perceived by the customer

  • Tests the functionality of Standard Operating Procedures

  • Serves as a motivational tool for the employees

  • Makes employees aware of what is important in serving customers

  • Benchmark competitors

  • Identify training needs

  • Improved Customer Retention


Set observation points

Signage, Cleanliness, Waiting time, Response time, Hospitality, State of equipment in use, Product knowledge, Upselling/ Cross-selling efforts, Adherence to company standards, Professionalism, etc

How is itdone?

Experienced shoppers of all ethnic groups and profile who are briefed /trained to observe and measure any customer service process by acting as a regular customer and reporting back in a comparable and consistent way.

What you get?

The research provides executive summary reports, analysis across time periods, real-time data, graphical analysis, audio files, and much more

Contact us to do an Accurate, Actionable and Affordable mystery shopping research program